Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Linche: 1548-1601, Sonnet IV

WHAT sugared terms, what all-persuading art,
      what sweet mellifluous words, what wounding looks,
LOVE used for his admittance to my heart!
      such eloquence was never read in books!
He promised Pleasure, Rest, and Endless Joy,
      Fruition of the fairest She alive.
His pleasure, pain; rest, trouble; joy, annoy;
      have I since found! which me, of bliss deprive.
The Trojan horse, thus have I now let in;
      wherein enclosed these armèd men were placed.
Bright Eyes, fair Cheeks, sweet Lips, and milk-white Skin,
      these foes, my life have overthrown and razed.
Fair outward shews prove inwardly the worst:
Love looketh fair, but lovers are accurst!


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